Grounding Shoes: Unlocking Success Through Earth’s Energy
Discover how grounding shoes enhance success by improving focus, energy, and intuition. Unlock the power of Earth’s energy for performance.
Personal Numerology Calculator
What Calculations Are Needed for Personal Numerology? Numerology is the ancient practice of using numbers to gain insights into personality, life path, and destiny. The core of personal numerology involves several key calculations based on…
What Does Numerical Vibration Mean in Numerology?
Learn what numerical vibration means in numerology and the unique energetic frequency associated with each number.
How to Calculate Your Business Name Number
Learn how to calculate your Business Name Number for numerology. Use our calculator tool. Then see the interpretation.
How Better Intuitive Abilities Can Help Business Leaders
Many of the most successful entrepreneurs and executives credit their instincts for making pivotal decisions. Here’s some examples.
Numerology for Business: How to Use it For Strategy and Success
Numerology is more than just an ancient system of understanding numbers—it is a tool that can unlock hidden potentials, provide clarity on business decisions, and enhance workplace success. By tapping into the vibrational energy of…
How to Use Past Life Regression For Work and Business
How past life regression can unlock hidden business potential, enhance leadership skills, and provide deeper insights into professional growth.
Simon Bown: Hypnotherapist and Past Life Regression Specialist
Our practitioner profiles are created about people who work in the WooBiz world that we admire, follow and who sometimes will appear as a guest on our podcast. Who is Simon Bown? Simon Bown is…
How to Use the Bagua Map to Enhance Your Business
How to use the Feng Shui Bagua Map for your business success and work performance so you can to be more prosperous.
How Feng Shui Can Help Your Business
Discover how Feng Shui can enhance business success by improving workplace energy, increasing productivity, and attracting prosperity.
Chakras Explained: A Beginner’s Guide to Energy Centers
Discover the 7 chakras and their meanings, functions, and how to balance them. Learn how chakra energy impacts wellness, work, and daily life.
How to Tell Which Clair You Have and How to Work with Your Clair Senses
How to tell which clair you have. Learn about clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and claircognizance with exercises, and techniques.
Reiki Healing: What It Is and How Much Does it Cost?
Discover the benefits of Reiki healing, how it works, and what to expect in a session. Learn about Reiki costs, pricing, and practitioners.
What Should I Do If I Think My Intuition Is Weak or Non-Existent?
Learn what to do if you have never developed your intuition, if it is weak you or are not sure how to improve it. Includes a free exercise.
Psychic Loren Cielo: Clairvoyant Healer, Teacher, and Author
Loren Cielo is a renowned psychic, clairvoyant healer, spiritual teacher, and author based in San Diego, California.
Signs You Might Be Psychic…and How to Strengthen Your Gifts
Have you ever felt an unshakable gut feeling or sensed things before they happened? Explore the signs you might be psychic and learn how to develop your intuitive gifts.
Simple Exercise in Remote Viewing That Anyone Can Do
Learn remote viewing with this step-by-step guide. Develop intuition and explore beyond the five senses with an easy exercise anyone can try
Can Breathwork Help Leaders and Entrepreneurs Perform Better?
Breathwork is a conscious practice of controlling and manipulating your breathing patterns to achieve mental, emotional, and physical benefits.
What is a Spirit Guide and How Do I Know if I Have One?
Discover what spirit guides are, how to recognize them, and learn how to connect with them. Learn signs, types, and FAQs about spirit guides.
Mystical Edge: How Spirituality Drives Success in Modern Business
Discover how leading business execs blend spirituality and unconventional practices like meditation, shamanic rituals, and astrology to foster success.
How to Use Divine Power to Make a Business or Life Decision
Learn how to use divine power to make a business or life decision in this step by step guide.
How to Create a Sacred Space: Step-by-Step Guide
Learn how to create a sacred space for use to relax, to meditate, to write, or be creative. Includes a step by step guide.