remote viewing

Simple Exercise in Remote Viewing That Anyone Can Do

Remote viewing is the practice of gathering information about a distant or unseen target without using the normal senses. While it has been studied in military and parapsychology research, anyone can attempt a basic remote viewing exercise with an open mind and some practice. The key to success is persistence, maintaining an open mind, and developing an ability to interpret subtle impressions without forcing them into preconceived ideas.

Remote viewing is not about making exact predictions but about refining one’s ability to perceive information beyond the usual five senses. Many practitioners believe that anyone can develop their intuition and remote perception abilities with proper training and focus. Whether you are a skeptic or a believer, engaging in remote viewing exercises can be an interesting way to test your subconscious awareness and enhance your perception.

What You Need for This Remote Viewing Exercise

  • A quiet space free of distractions
  • A notebook and pen for recording impressions
  • An assistant (optional) to select a target
  • An open and relaxed mindset
  • A timer (optional) to track session length
  • A blind target (such as an unknown photo or image hidden from view)

Creating the right atmosphere is crucial for success. Eliminating distractions, calming the mind, and adopting a non-judgmental attitude will help you access intuitive impressions more effectively. Some remote viewers find that meditation, deep breathing exercises, or even soft ambient music can help them enter a receptive state. Experiment with different techniques to find what works best for you.

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Step-by-Step Guide

1. Set Your Intent

Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths. Clear your mind and set the intention to perceive details about a hidden or unknown target. You might say to yourself, “I am open to receiving information about the target with clarity and accuracy.”

2. Choose a Target

If you have an assistant, ask them to select a random image from the internet, a book, or a photo album and place it in an envelope or hide it from view. If you’re alone, you can use a random image generator online (without looking at the selection). This ensures that your impressions are not influenced by prior knowledge of the target.

3. Enter a Relaxed State

Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Let your thoughts drift and allow your mind to be open to any impressions, sensations, or images that arise. Avoid overanalyzing—simply observe. Some people use visualization techniques, such as imagining themselves floating in space or drifting on a river, to help disengage from logical thinking.

4. Record Your Impressions

Begin jotting down any shapes, colors, textures, feelings, or words that come to mind. Avoid guessing or trying to identify a specific object—just write down raw perceptions as they appear. Pay attention to fleeting images, emotions, or even physical sensations. Many successful remote viewers report picking up on impressions in non-linear ways, so trust your intuition and document everything without judgment.

5. Expand Your Awareness

If your mind feels blank, try asking yourself questions like, “Is the target natural or man-made?” “What colors am I sensing?” or “What kind of environment does this object belong in?” Let your answers arise spontaneously rather than forcing them. Some remote viewers also prefer sketching vague impressions rather than writing them down.

6. Compare Results

After about five to ten minutes, open the envelope or reveal the chosen image. Compare what you perceived with the actual target. Did any of your impressions match elements of the image? Even if you only got a few details correct, that’s a good start. Accuracy improves with practice.

7. Refine Your Technique

With practice, you may start noticing patterns in your perceptions. Keep a journal of your remote viewing sessions to track progress and refine your abilities over time. Look for recurring themes, symbols, or sensory cues that appear in multiple sessions. The more you practice, the more refined your perceptions will become.

Tips for Success

  • Start with simple targets, such as landscapes, objects, or everyday scenes, before moving on to complex or abstract targets.
  • Be patient with yourself. Remote viewing is like learning a new language—it takes time to become fluent.
  • Avoid judging your results too harshly. Even professional remote viewers experience inaccuracies.
  • Experiment with different methods to find what works best for you. Some people prefer structured protocols, while others use free-flowing techniques.
  • Keep an open mind. Skepticism is natural, but a completely closed mindset can limit your ability to receive impressions.

Patience and practice

Remote viewing takes patience and practice. While some may see significant results quickly, others may need more time to develop their perception. The key is to remain open, nonjudgmental, and willing to explore beyond conventional sensory experiences. Whether or not you fully believe in the phenomenon, engaging in remote viewing exercises can sharpen your intuition, boost creativity, and expand your awareness of perception beyond the five traditional senses. Give it a try and see what insights you might uncover.

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